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Atlantis - Intergalactic Stories

  Atlantis - Intergalactic Stories

  By Bane Bond

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, organizations, places, events and incidents are either products of author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © by Branislav Tontorovits

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the author.


  Dear Reader

  I believe the world needs more humor, optimism and relaxation through creative thinking. The book you hold in your hands is my small contribution.

  Hope you’ll like it! If you do, please forward this info to anyone you know. I would appreciate it! Also look for more books from my ‘Intergalactic Stories’ series.

  If you prefer a novel, check the book ‘Cloud Whale’ – might change your view of the world. The Web link can be found at

  Follow new developments at the above site, as well as on Twitter @BaneBond.

  2015; Athens, Greece




  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year



  Jane was extremely anxious. It seemed that her main project, better to say her childhood obsession, was coming to an end. In her mid-thirties, she looked much younger due to the active life at the sea. Jane kept in her drawer diplomas of both archeology and applied mathematics, but never set foot in any office. Her father’s business was going well, so after graduation she gathered a group of specialists and from that moment on was constantly exploring deep waters all around the globe.

  Finally, some months ago Jane ran into first concrete evidence that she might have been on the right track. A deep sea fishing boat got in the possession of a peace of metal with strange engravings. Through some friends the information came to Jane’s ears and she bought it, quite cheap since it seemed worthless. There was GPS on board the vessel, so they provided the approximate location of the finding. No one, even her team, assumed that it was the last piece of the puzzle. She had here suspicions for quite a while, only needed a sign to point at the right direction. Jane was only a step away from discovering a location of the famous Atlantis.


  The dark blue water was too deep for diving. That did not bother Jane. She possessed a remotely operated unmanned vehicle for underwater exploration and her two assistants took shifts in controlling it. They methodically explored the area Jane had marked as final. Everyone knew that it might turn to be bogus, as four times before. ‘At least the weather is fine.’ thought Jane, standing at the bridge and looking at waves. She was painfully aware that days were passing.

  All of a sudden Nelborg, tall researcher from Norway, called her inside. Cameras were showing strange shapes at the bottom and magnetometer was producing some promising results, too. Sonar verified that the area in question was huge. Jane took control, shouting orders. The moment she was preparing for had come.


  Kenneth seemed somehow distant as Jane entered his office. He was a director of one of the best marine exploration institutes in USA. Jane came to him few days ago for help. Her team managed to record various data regarding the site they discovered; but though it seemed there were underground structures, they were not able to find any entrance. Using remotely operated vehicles they cleaned several areas on the sea bottom, recorded something that resembled writings and took few samples. All attempts to penetrate below the surface were unsuccessful.

  Kenneth absentmindedly smiled and turned the computer monitor so that Jane could see it, “Analysis of samples verify some unusual alloy, dated several thousands years ago. It seems your hypothesis about Atlantis was right.” Jane waited impatiently. Kenneth went on, “With help of some colleagues from Smithsonian and others, we believe we managed to translate the text. Here it is.” He pressed a button and a half page text appeared on the screen. He leaned back as Jane started to read.

  ‘For the generations to come. We, the rulers of the Island of Atlas, inform you about our decision to submerge it after the failure. We hope that the day of rise of humanity will come again. At this island we have gathered for decades the knowledge of man and space travellers, as much as they would teach us, alike. We lived in peace and shared the knowledge with all other societies on Earth. Finally, one day we were asked to join the large family of space travellers and open the gates to all their knowledge. They had only one condition – to elect one representative for the space society council. Only one person to represent all nations and people on Earth. And we failed, all of us. First we talked, then we quarrelled, at the end we fought!

  Space travellers turned their backs on us and left. We witnessed other nations loosing their civilisations and turning into savages. Ashamed, we have decided to submerge the last beacon of advanced civilisation, our Island. One day in the future it will rise again, unleash its knowledge and call the space travellers back. We have planted sensors around the world that can operate for hundreds of thousand of years. They will start the procedure automatically. The condition is simple, the same as before – to elect one person to represent all nations and people on Earth.’

  Jane stared at the screen for some time after finishing the reading. Then she started laughing and continued until tears began to run down her face. Who could say that aliens didn’t have sense of humour?


  Merry Christmas… and Happy New Year